We are coming together as a New Earth Family of Light to celebrate you! In these times of great extremes, we are being called to re-member the spark of Light, unfailing love and greatness we are created within. What better way to reconnect to You and your soul essence, than to connect to the heart of Mother Earth in the mountains of Pine Valley UT. Nicole Ashton, Jeffery C Olsen, Joss Crowther and Scott & LaRae Wright will be hosting and presenting. This retreat is Spirit guided. Creating a safe space to love, heal, learn, teach, grow and remember. What the E X P I E R E N C E outline looks like: (Yet remain flexible, as Spirit may take us on an unexpected journey at times) 2:00 pm Greetings-Introduction Jocelyn Crowther 2:30 pm Opening Sacred Space -Drum Circle Opening 3:00 pm Remembering the essence of the Soul through through powerful Life Experiences, Music and much more. The presenters will guide you into infinite possibilities of remembering the very essence of the univerSOUL You! PRESENTERS Nicole Ashton International Healer-Intuitive, Dr of Metaphysics, DNA Specialist, Speaker, Radio Host. "Creator of Energy Healing by Design Nicole Ashton, a world-renowned healer and luminary, whose life after death experience has allowed her the gift of empowering people around the globe to heal and grow into their true authentic space. Ashton's near death experience nearly 10 years ago opened her in born gifts and after many years of hard work and passion for humanity has become a local and International Intuitive healer, Dr. of Metaphysics and mentor. Jeffery Olsen Best -Selling Author, International Speaker, Spiritual Leader , Shaman and Survivor. Olsen is a bestselling author who inspires audiences internationally with his intriguing story of perseverance and inner strength. After a horrific automobile accident took the lives of his wife and youngest son, also inflicting multiple life-threatening injuries to Jeff, including the amputation of his left leg, he found the courage to survive over 18 surgeries and eventually heal, both physically and emotionally, to thrive in his career and community contributions. Among all of Jeff’s accomplishments, he is most proud of and most fulfilled by simply being a husband, father and friend. Scott and LaRae Wright 4:00pm Join in on the unifying and joyful Celebration of Life. Drumming. Music. Connection. Energy. Dancing. Sharing. 5:30pm Dinner will be served. Pasta Bar: With a variety of noodles and sauces to create your own plate. Also green salad and veggies available. IMPORTANT Bring lawn chairs or something to sit on, blankets, jackets and what you may want to be comfortable as the evenings can become chilly. You are welcome to bring you own drums, rattles, bells, tambourines... any musical instruments to join in on the fun. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/soul-essence-spiritual-retreat-tickets-115235025062