This time of year can be so stressful. Do you resonate with any of these?
I feel on edge and cranky
I’m having trouble going with the flow
I’m physically and emotionally exhausted
My life feels like a roller coaster ride
I need a safe space to let go and relax
My heart is heavy
If you are experiencing any of this, a clearing and healing session with Nicole is just what you need.
Nicole has openings in St George Utah December 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th 11:00am to 4:00pm for energy healing sessions
Call 435-319-0951 to schedule today.
Wishing you peace, joy and light this holiday season!
Buy Gift Certificates in December at Holidays Rate.
20 sessions available at this rate
Energy Clearing is simply the clearing and releasing of unwanted energies that are attached to our energy body. Most of these energies have been attached for years and we have just regarded them as our own, when in fact they have been causing minor issues that eventually turn into major issues.
Some of the issues they may cause is depression, sleeping disorders via mind chatter or nightmares, negative self talk, headaches, hearing voices, unmanageable fear and many other mental as well as physical issues. This service can be done remotely for you or a loved one with no inconvenience to either.
About Nicole
Nicole performs heart-centered healing work with individuals, couples, and groups. Her work is spirit-guided cellular level healing of mind, body, emotions, and soul. Deep within your heart is a portal to your spirit. When uncovered and opened, divine healing currents can be released throughout your system to bring spiritual awakening, inner freedom, and essential love.
Many have experienced deep healing of present and past emotional patterns, the release of biology or learned beliefs and relief from physical disharmony causing illness.
Her mission is to help as many people as she can to live their lives full of passion and purpose, uninhibited by limiting energies, and she would love to help you reach your full potential in every aspect of life.
Schedule today!
InJOY the Holidays!